De combinatie van ChatGPT en Datastreams biedt een efficiënte en krachtige oplossing voor het vinden en benutten van relevante databronnen in complexe dataprojecten. Door gebruik te maken van de nieuwste AI-technologieën kunnen bedrijven en overheden beter geïnformeerde beslissingen nemen en hun projecten succesvol realiseren.
Hoe stel je Microsoft Excel in om met Datastreams te werken?
Om Microsoft Excel met Datastreams te gebruiken, moet je je spreadsheet op een heel specifieke manier instellen. Als u uw spreadsheet niet op deze manier instelt, krijgt u waarschijnlijk problemen.
Privacy Compliant Data Projects
We will set up a privacy-compliant by-design data project with you in this tutorial. Every data project is a multidisciplinary team collaboration. Our platform will help you to take an active approach to reduce your company’s risks in applicable data and privacy regulations, while focusing on the value the project can bring.
Cookie validator
At Datastreams, we have developed a privacy cookie validator that inspects your website for these kinds of compliance risks. Our validator imports your cookie consent level settings and validates whether these settings match the real-life behaviour of the cookies on your website.
CookieBot validator
Many website owners make use of the CookieBot consent module to let their website visitors manage cookie consent. But how do you know if your CookieBot consent module is correctly configured and reflects your actual cookie behaviour?
Privacy Compliance Monitor Overview – Freemium
At Datastreams, we have developed a privacy compliance monitor that inspects your website for compliance risks.
Due to data protection and increasing pressure of privacy regulations such as GDPR, privacy compliance is becoming an essential part in maintaining your websites.
Our privacy compliance monitor proactively helps to keep you updated about risks and automates labor-intensive and challenging tasks.